• Visit of John Conrad Gosselin, August 17, 2019, in Ste-Famille I.O.

    Rare visitors on the 40th anniversary of the Association des familles Gosselin in Ste-Famille, I.O., by a member of the Cincinnati Society

    By : Jacques Gosselin (history and genealogy A.F.G.)

    Saturday, August 17, 2019, was held in Ste-Famille I.O. the gathering of the Gosselin Families Association. Several activities were on the program including the visit of the commemorative plaque of Major Clément Gosselin at the Parc des ancêtres. The story of the man who was the Major and the land where he grew up were also told to participants from Canada, the United States and France. On this occasion we received the visit of John Conrad Gosselin, an American direct descendant of Clément Gosselin who, like his ancestor, holds the Cincinnati Society medal. It must be explained that only a descendant of an officer who participated in the War of Independence of the 13 colonies can obtain this medal. Two little guys from Ste-Famille had obtained it either Major Clément Gosselin and his brother the Lieutenant Louis Gosselin, like the Marquis de Lafayette and General George Washington. John Conrad took the opportunity to visit the mayor of the municipality, Jean-Pierre Turcotte. To crown the event, the Orléans artist Cathy Lachance presented the magnificent oil painting she made on the Cradle of Major Clément Gosselin in Ste-Famille, the hero of the war of independence of the 13 American colonies. A copy of the limited edition reproduction will be available. A rare visit of John Conrad in the municipality that saw his ancestor grow, a visit that we will not soon forget.
    (Pictures can be seen in the Photo Album)